Scientific Publications

MyPath Melanoma Clinical Evidence

Clarke L, Mabey B, Flake D, et al. Clinical validity of a gene expression signature in diagnostically uncertain neoplasmsPer Med 2020;17:361-71.

Ko J, Clarke L, Minca E, et al. Correlation of melanoma gene expression score with clinical outcomes on a series of melanocytic lesions. Hum Pathol 2019;86:213-21.

Clarke L, Pimental J, Zalaznick H, et al. Gene expression signature as an ancillary method in the diagnosis of desmoplastic melanoma. Hum Pathol 2017;70:113-20.

Ko J, Matharoo-Ball B, Billings S, et al. Diagnostic distinction of malignant melanoma and benign nevi by a gene expression signature and correlation to clinical outcomes. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2017;26:1107-13.

Clarke L, Flake D, Busam K, et al. An independent validation of a gene expression signature to differentiate malignant melanoma from benign melanocytic nevi. Cancer 2016;123:617-28.

Warf MB, Flake D, Adams D, et al. Analytical validation of a melanoma diagnostic gene signature using formalin-fixed paraffin embedded melanocytic lesionsBiomark Med 2015;9:407-16.

Clarke L, Warf M, Flake D, et al. Clinical validation of a gene expression signature that differentiates benign nevi from malignant melanomaJ Cutan Pathol 2015;42:244-52.

MyPath Melanoma Clinical Impact Studies and Surveys

MyPath Melanoma Guidelines, Criteria and Staging Systems

Cancer Stat Facts: Melanoma of the Skin Posted April 2020.

Piepkorn MW, Longton GM, Reisch, LM, et al.  Assessment of second-opinion strategies for diagnoses of cutaneous melanocytic lesions. JAMA Netw Open 2019;2:e1912597.

Elmore JG, Barnhill RL, Elder DE, et al. Pathologists’ diagnosis of invasive melanoma and melanocytic proliferations: observer accuracy and reproducibility studyBMJ 2017;357:j2813. 

Meyer A, Payne V, Meeks D, et al. Physicians’ diagnostic accuracy, confidence, and resource requests: a vignette studyJAMA Int Med 2013;173:1952-8.

Guy GP, Ekwueme DU, Tanga FK, et al. Melanoma treatment costs: a systematic review of the literature, 1990-2011. Am J Prev Med 2012;43:537-45.

Haws B, St Romain P, Mammen J et al.  Secondary review of external histopathology on cutaneous oncology patients referred for sentinel lymph node biopsy: how often does it happen and is it worth it? J Cutan Pathol 2012;39:844-9.

Gerami P, Barnhill RL, Beilfuss BA, et al. Superficial melanocytic neoplasms with pagetoid melanocytosis: a study of interobserver concordance and correlation with FISH. Am J Surg Pathol 2010;34:816-21.

Lodha S, Saggar S, Celebi JT, et al. Discordance in the histopathologic diagnosis of difficult melanocytic neoplasms in the clinical settingJ Cutan Pathol 2008;35:349-52.

Brochez L, Verhaeghe E, Grosshans E, et al.  Inter-observer variation in the histopathological diagnosis of clinically suspicious pigmented skin lesions.  J Pathol 2002;196:459-66.

Veenhuizen KC, De Wit PE, Mooi WJ, et al. Quality assessment by expert opinion in melanoma pathology: experience of the pathology panel of the Dutch Melanoma Working Party. J Pathol 1997;182:266-72.

DiffDx-Melanoma Clinical Evidence

DiffDx-Melanoma Clinical Impact Studies and Surveys

DiffDx-Melanoma Clinical Posters and Presentations

Estrada SI, Shackelton JB, Martin HL, et al. Performance of a diagnostic 35-gene expression profile test (GEP) on difficult-to-diagnose melanocytic lesions. Poster at 10th World Congress of Melanoma/17th European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO) Congress; Apr 15-17, 2021; virtual. 

Estrada SI, Goldberg MS, Farberg AS, et al. Development, validation, and clinical utility of the 35-gene expression profile test for use as an adjunctive melanoma diagnostic tool. Poster at 10th World Congress of Melanoma/17th European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO) Congress; Apr 15-17, 2021; virtual.

Cockerell C, Goldberg MS, Estrada SI, et al. Performance of a 35-gene expression profile test in suspicious pigmented lesions of the head and neck.  Poster at 2021 Winter Clinical Dermatology Conference: January 15-24, 2021; Virtual. Poster #007.

Estrada, SI, Shackelton, JB, Cleaver, NJ, et al. Development and validation of a diagnostic gene expression profile test for ambiguous or difficult-to-diagnose pigmented skin lesions. ASDP20 Poster #296